04 January 2010


I am not entirely sure why it is that I'm starting a new blog. Is it because I am a narcissist? Is it because I am bored? Is it because I'm diluted enough to think that someone cares to read about the turkey sandwich I just devoured?

I'm Beth. Maybe I should have given myself an alternate identity or something to protect the innocent. Too late for that now though.

Since 30 years have passed where I didn't blog about everything - the basics. I'm 30, I live in Seattle with my boyfriend and cat (a understated superhero - the cat, not the boyfriend) and have recently become funemployed. Only - I'm not sure where the fun comes in when you're spending all of your time searching for a job, hearing nothing, and making no money. Hmm. Its a concept that I'll work out over time. Up until 3 weeks ago, I was a sciency person, but am thinking about a career change. We'll see how the cards play out. I was always a sucker for betting until the river card was played even with the crappiest of hands.

Let the games begin!


Anonymous said...

Let's leave out the turkey sandwich unless there's a story about someone (like maybe your middle aged mother) going on a turkey sandwich diet and losing 50 lbs in three days....., And, yes, let's blog about the illfated author that stuck her head in her oven and offed herself which was always a mystery to some because they were never around gas stoves and couldn't quite comprehend why someone would bake their head at 500 degrees in order to die...., Such a sad soul. Not the uneducated child that didn't understand gas stove concepts, but the author. (I personally think she had a vitamin D deficiency..., once again, the author....) But, that's another story.

The Sheppard Bunch said...

yay for blogging! i am addicted : )

Teressa DiAndrea said...

May I recommend Google?

Beth said...

What do you mean tre?