14 January 2010


I did not want to get out of bed today. Maybe its because of the weather, maybe its because we had pizza last night, maybe its because I'm lazy. Probably the pizza, right?

I submitted the applications for the townhouse yesterday but still haven't heard back from the landlord. Hmm, maybe the apartment search is not over! I think that would make me feel very unhappy, especially since today is the 14th! Ugh, stress is a killer.

Any tips on getting older cats to play more? Any toys they like?

12 January 2010

i think sean nelson is the bees knees.

Not in a sexual way. Just in a 'i think this guy seems extremely rad and once, while driving around Seattle I realized he was driving in front of me and I might have followed him for a little while but soon came to my senses and realized that was stalking'*. I must of seen Harvey Danger play a gaggle of times. And lets not forget Sean Nelson and his Mortal Enemies. And Nelson does Nilsson. I think he's got a great voice.

Rest easy children. I am here to tell you that I just requested 'My Effortless Brillance' on Netflix. What is so special about this movie you ask? Sean Nelson stars in it! Hooray! I'm curious to see how his on stage charisma translates to the screen. He seems like a fairly dramatic person so it should be interesting.


10 January 2010

hungry like the wolf

Its now 10:33 pm and I still haven't eaten dinner...and I'm starving. AJ and I couldn't make any definitive choices about food tonight so we've settled on 7-11 hotdogs with a side of nacho cheese doritos. Classy.

I watched entirely too many episodes of Heroes today. I'm kind of tired of the cheerleader - she does whine a bit too much. I'm not as big a fan of streaming Netflix on our PS3 as I am on the xBox360. The menus are something I need to get used to. Movie suggestions anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Tomorrow I finally am getting my crown fixed. The bite has been off terribly and it gives me a little bit of a lisp. Kind of troublesome for an adult! At least after I'll get to see Jong Mi and then maybe get a pedicure with Ingrid. Gotta take advantage of people's days off.

Stumbled upon (again) www.epicute.com which is a blog dedicated to cute food. Interesting. Okay, not really but what else do I have to live for???

Last night we saw Daybreakers and ate at Red Robin. How suburban of us... Melissa and Mohammad came over after and we launched into a 3 hour game of Risk. Around 1 this morning we called it quit and I drifted into an Ambien CR cloud of happiness.

I really like this song Helena by Nickel Creek. Pretty. I wish my ulnar nerve would heal already so I could play my viola again.